Is Ubuntu abandoning its phone efforts?

Solution 1:

Yes, Canonical (the company behind Ubuntu) is no longer developing for phones and tablets. In addition, in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, the default desktop shell will switch from Unity 7 to GNOME Shell. Development on Unity 8, Mir and phone/desktop convergence will come to an end. Existing phone and desktop releases will be supported for their normal lifecycle.

This was officially announced in a post from Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu and Canonical, on the Ubuntu website:

Since these are free software projects, someone else can take over development and maintenance. Right now (April 2017) these communities are looking into it:

  • UBports, porting what used to be "Ubuntu Touch" to multiple mobile devices
  • yunit, continuing development of Unity 8, with a desktop focus
  • and there is possible collaboration between the two this stage the discussion is mostly technical and it is yet to be seen if these communities have enough resources for long-term development.