Browser's back button hidden by unity launcher

Solution 1:

I had the same "problem" which I fixed by installing CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager) and setting in the Ubuntu Unity Plugin the option Hide Launcher to NEVER. This way when the browser opens the left side of it will be right next to the launcher and not on top or below of it so you can see both, the launcher buttons and the browser buttons.

There is no need to approach the edge slowly, not have the buttons in their typical place or not have it maximize since this are not solutions to the confusion between both elements.

After changing the option in the Unity Plugin, at least in my case I had to reboot to take effect. Just in case it happens to you. You safe with this some valuable seconds when browsing and want to check something quickly.

At the end it should look like this:

enter image description here

See how the browser's left limit is the actual launcher and not the resolution border.

Solution 2:

I doubt this is a bug. To me, it sounds like you have your browser set up such that the Back button is positioned on the far left side of the window, which is maximized. To make the launcher appear, you'd have to be moving the mouse against the side of the screen with a certain amount of speed to it.

My suggestions in this case are to either:

  • Change the position of the Back button on your browser, if it lets you do this
  • Unmaximize your browser and move it away from the screen edge
  • Approach the edge more slowly when using the Back button
  • Tweak some settings governing the launcher's behavior in ccsm (in particular, try increasing the "Edge Reveal Timeout" setting, if you're running 11.10)
  • How do I stop that launcher from popping up when mouse goes to the left edge?