Ctrl+Alt+[Left/Right] not working in Ubuntu in VMWare

Solution 1:

Found it! It seems that VMWare uses the keys Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right, So there are two things you can do:

1. Change VMWare's Default keys - Go to VMWare > Edit > Preferences > Hot Keys and select some other combination

2. Change Ubuntu's Shortcut - Go to System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Navigation and select some other combination for Switch to Workspace Left/Right

Solution 2:

VM itself uses Ctrl+Alt for commands such as "Ctrl +_ Alt + Insert" is the same as Ctrl + Alt + Del" on your computer, you use the insert because that does the del command only in the VM where if you hit C+A+D it will bring you to the screen on your host comp not in the VM. so things like that may not work entirely running it in a VM.

Now that i read that it may be confusing so let me know if it is.