How can I host a domain/website on my new VPS?

I am an average Ubuntu user and currently i decided to strengthen my knowledge in Ubuntu. Since i am a web developer, lately i decided to setup my own web server powered by Ubuntu.

I just bought an unmanage VPS powered by Ubuntu 11.10. I have managed to install the Apache, PHP, MySQL and the basic security changes.

Previously, i was just a shared hosting user where everything is managed via cPanel which is easy. Now is totally different and i am clueless since i am on unmanaged VPS and of course the hosting company will not help me.

My question:

Previously, when I want to host new website, after I purchase a domain from registrar I will change the domain nameservers with my sharedhosting nameservers I just add the domain via cPanel. How can I host a domain/website on my new VPS? How to have a nameserver? How to setup the nameserver?

Solution 1:

There are many "reasonable" and "practical" ways to go about hosting a website using your domain name on a VPS running Ubuntu.

I offer this guide for a straight-forward walkthrough on setting up a hardened Ubuntu LAMP Server to power a site:

In regards to setting up a Nameserver.... Just don't do that :) use the free dns services offered by most registrars or use a service like or Cloudflare to handle DNS.

Solution 2:

To setup DNS server, you'll need to install a DNS server such as Bind. See instruction here However, like the other user suggested, you may want to just use the DNS service provided by a 3rd party since you will need at least 2 DNS servers, primary and secondary for it to work "properly". Your VPS provider may have DNS server available for you to use so contact them first before trying to setup your own.

To configure Apache/php/mysql to serve your site, see instruction here