Skype icon doesn't show up on app indicator on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial

Solution 1:

Be sure to have sni-qt installed for i386 :

sudo apt-get install sni-qt:i386

Solution 2:

For me on Ubuntu 16.10 installing libappindicator1 and restarting skype solved the problem

sudo apt-get install libappindicator1

Solution 3:

Note that solutions mentioned here do not work with Ubuntu 17.04 due to a different reason mentioned here:


Also note that sni-qt:i386 package and all qt i386 dependencies are not required for "amd64" version of skypeforlinux. Instead you can use following workaround mentioned in the Unity bug:

$ env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity skypeforlinux

This will launch skypeforlinux with environment variable XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP set to Unity, the default value of this variable in Ubuntu 17.04 is XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity:Unity7 that confuses the electron (which Skype for Linux is build upon).

You can also use this line in the Startup Application entry, but then you should disable "Launch at Login" in Skype and create your own entry.