Wine sound is played way too fast and crackles horribly

Solution 1:

Since this is the first result returned by Google, I'd thought I share my experience here. For those who look for a quick fix, put the following in your ~/.bashrc or /etc/profile for system-wide change:

alias wine='PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 wine'

This is the same fix that's used for Skype and PulseAudio 4.0 and above, which is behaving the same way as wine. Hope this helps!

Edit (12.01.2016):

You can enable this variable globally by adding this line to ~/.bashrc and logging out/rebooting


If you're experiencing audio issues in other applications after this, simply delete the line and logout or reboot. If you want to test it temporarily, open a new terminal and paste that line. Now every application that you invoke from this terminal will have the variable set and PulseAudio will set the latency.

More information on this problem and the 'fix':

Solution 2:

Run a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T)

Issue command pulseaudio -k

Try to recreate issue. Shouldn't play in fast forward anymore.

As to the crackling the log tells you plain and simple, you have a buffer underrun. Change your sampling quality... Sacrifice some quality for speed and see if that solves your underrun.