iPhone 5 sync won't complete, stalls at waiting for changes to be applied

I have an iPhone 5. Since the latest update to iOS 7, my ripped music won't sync to my phone. The sync stalls at "waiting for changes to be applied". I've run the sync diagnostic, and it indicates there are no problems. I have plenty of room on my phone, and had nearly 2000 songs on it prior to the update. Now, only the purchased tunes sync.

From this macrumors.com post:

  1. Close iTunes, unplug your device and reboot the computer.
  2. On your iDevice, connect to your Wifi network & leave it on and reboot it too. Now plug your iDevice back to the computer.
  3. If you have any voice mails, delete them first.
  4. Everything will sync and the problem goes away.