How to uninstall Image Magick?

First, before removing it, you should know that you will remove other software that you might need, like parts of the printing system. My recommendation? Don't remove image magic.

But if you are sure you want to remove it, you can do this in a terminal window

sudo apt remove --purge imagemagick

Get the list of the installed apps by:

apt list --installed

Search for ImageMagick in the list and copy the name .In my case the name was "imagemagick-6.q16"

Then use to remove the app:

 sudo apt-get remove imagemagick-6.q16  

Hope that helps.

imagemagick may be a dependency for other pieces of software run

apt-cache showpkg imagemagick

to see what packages depend on imagemagick to run

However if you want to force a removal, this may cause unintended consequences! run

sudo dpkg --purge --force-all imagemagick