How to configure PyQt4 for Python 3 eclipse in Ubuntu?

I installed PyQt4 with synaptic.

I'm using Python3 so I need to configure the path for PyQt4 in eclipse, but it seems synaptic only installed PyQt4 for python 2 since I only found relative files and folders under python 2.6 and 2.7.

So how can I make PyQt4 to work with Python 3 and eclipse ?



I tried to configure it following this post:

But after following all the instructions without any error occurs in the way, I get error from running this code in python 3.2:

>>> import PyQt4

The error message is :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named PyQt4

But the strange thing is that the same code results NO error in python 2.7 (I have both 2.7 and 3.2 installed on my machine)

Solution 1:

Should be possible. The source sits at Riverbank's site. However, compiling it might not be a one-line deal but should work. Have a look at a thread over at the ubuntuforum where eranga1988 had a similar problem.

Further down in that thread CoBrA2168 seems to give a solution:

  • download both SIP and PyQt4 from the official website
  • install qmake, python3.1-dev, gcc-c++ (for the g++ command), and the libqt4-dev.
  • then the compilation worked along the following lines



    sudo make install

  • note that some had to provide qmake's location to the call to python above:

    python -q /usr/lib/qt4/bin/qmake

    where they got the path to qmake from locate qmake

You might have to tune this to your version of Python 3. Good luck.