A word for something that is both useful and beautiful [closed]

Solution 1:

Could it be described as an elegant solution or an engineering marvel?

Solution 2:

Something that is well-designed is intentionally planned and created so that it is both useful and appealing (sometimes beautiful).

Here are some examples in which it is used:

Well-designed logos

Well-designed products

Well-designed gardens

Well-designed websites

Well-designed rooms

Solution 3:

The context is unclear, but I suppose the word something refers to an actual object.

I'd suggest the adjective "streamlined."

It's defined as:

  • Designed or arranged to offer the least resistance to fluid flow; reduced to essentials
  • Having flowing, graceful lines; sleek
  • Improved in appearance or efficiency; modernized

For me, this word encompasses beauty in both form and function.

Solution 4:

Gestalt? It is oft used in design circles I believe. It refers to wholeness in design with form and function firmly in mind. The most positive qualities of those individual parts making up the wholeness is presumed. It wouldn't make sense for such a word to refer to the ugly bits making up a wholesome object. One of those aesthetic form qualities could be the adjective beautiful.