Make No Password Required on local linux (tty) login
I want to allow a user that is logging in to the system locally (ie. keyboard & mouse) to not have to enter a password. Is this possible? I have the system locked down extremely well with SSH, and it sits with me always, so I it is not an issue.
This may be bad security but as noted if you have physical access to a non encrypted laptop you could get into the files and reset passwords with a linux live cd/usb or sometimes the grub menu lets you boot to recovery root and you can change the password.
Do you mean a virtual console or the default graphical console?
Login Settings (GNOME/KDE) should have option to boot to desktop without password.
For Virtaul Consoles
Arch linux has a guide which I think should work for other systemd distros.
systemctl edit getty@tty1
and put the following into the file
ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin username --noclear %I $TERM
I think that should let you autologin to the first console.
Following from the great information from @Roman I modified his answer somewhat for the solution on my system, which was Debian. For anyone else needing this; for Debian, edit /etc/systemd/system/\@tty1.service
and add --autologin root
to the line which begins with ExecStart=-
so that it reads:
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --autologin root --noclear %I $TERM
Hope that helps. I realize it is a security risk in most cases. But when it is an embedded router that is strapped to the bottom of my desk and all external authentication is done with 2 factor authentication... I am not too worried.
Thank you for the help @Roman!