Get directions by nickname in Siri

Asking Siri to get Maps directions to someone’s address, is it possible somehow to refer to the relevant contact by its nickname (as its defined in the Contacts app) instead of by long first and last name combination?

That is,

Hi Siri, show me directions to Rob

Instead of

Hi Siri, show me directions to Robert Pattinson

I am asking specifically to iOS but an answer for MacOS is also appreciated

Unfortunately, if you asking for this kind of request to Siri directly Siri gives you full name , even you have their nickname.

Shortcuts on iOS and iPadOS able to do that. Just create a new shortcut: add Map app -> add address... Name this short cuts as "directions to someone’s address".

After saving, ask Siri "directions to someone’s address",that's it.

Hope this helps, stay safe.