Omnigraffle - how to make double ended arrows?

I'm learning Omnigraffle and am ok with most shapes. But I want arrows with heads at each end, like this (done in

enter image description here

I'd also like to know how to put the tips of the arrows where I want, rather than Omnigraffle's default which is to attach a line to a corner:, like this:

enter image description here

Following Dave Delong's answer below, I realized that you have to style each end of the line.

Like so:

enter image description here

  1. Select the line (or lines) in your OmniGraffle document
  2. Open the Style Inspector (Inspectors Menu ▸ Styles, or -1)
  3. Select the second style inspector ("Lines and Shapes")

    Lines and Shapes Inspector

  4. Use the popup menus to choose an arrow style

    Arrow styles