What do you call a person who is very fussy about weather? [closed]

This is a characteristic of a chronic complainer. They usually complain about everything including the weather.

An example from psychologytoday:

Optimists see: A glass half full.

Pessimists see: A glass half empty.

Chronic complainers see: A glass that is slightly chipped holding water that isn't cold enough, probably because it's tap water when I asked for bottled water and wait, there's a smudge on the rim, too, which means the glass wasn't cleaned properly and now I'll probably end up with some kind of virus. Why do these things always happen to me?!

There is a derogatory term called "weather whiner" also.

Weather Whiners are Unvigorous and negative when they whine about the weather. too hot too cold its raining its snowing its sunny don't matter what they aint happy...

Consider “fusspot”.

It's not specific to fussiness about weather, but is a noun that describes a fussy person. You could make it specific with something like:

John never likes to go on picnics. He's such a fusspot about the weather.

To the definitions already mentioned, I'd like to add a less common one, meteoropathic.

Some of us may feel tired when weather changes but still can’t sleep, we get nervous when winds become strong, or we may feel the blues when it rains. If you happened to feel that way than you are suffering from meteoropathy and you are as the like to call it, a meteoropathic person. According to the recent research the number of people who feel the effects of weather changes is growing. And with them the interest for meteoropathy.
