What stats should a Wizard invest in Inferno? [duplicate]

If you're consistently playing with a Barbarian who is buffing your resistances, in addition to being your meat shield, then your gearing strategy should be similar to pre-patch with more focus on damage output (your health and resists are reasonable and more than sufficient to kill up to Azmodan and beyond, depending on your skill level). Your focus on damage output should not totally neglect Increased Attack Speed as it is still a good stat, but it shouldn't focus on it as your primary stat. Remember that the mechanic itself wasn't nerfed, only the value of IAS on items.

Stacking intellect is always good as it has additional effects (gaining more resists). A balanced combination of Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage % will give you a noticeable increase to DPS as well. The largest single factor in damage output for casters/ranged in general is still the damage range on weapons.

You say that your damage is 21K while buffed - are you using both Force Weapon and Familiar, or is this value with just one of them? 21K damage after being buffed by either of these abilities is low - aim for at least 25K+ unbuffed to have an easier time of killing enemies.

Personally I feel that in tight situations such as arcane bosses that toss you, the difference between having 30k hp and 5k hp are practically negligible. In most situations, simply avoiding projectiles/enemies is usually enough to keep you from taking any damage.

Keeping this in mind, my build is 45k damage pre-Force Weapon buff - I instead opt for force shield which reduces incoming attacks to 35% of your health - there is no difference between tanking a 7000dmg attack with 21k hp and tanking it with force shield.

Of course, this build works well for me but certainly won't work well for everyone - in pubs, I tend to die a lot, but with my monk friend who can pull all the enemies to him for me to comet, the build really shines.