How do you detect when a sound file has finished?

I am playing a sound file using this code inside a broadcast receiver activity:

notification.sound = Uri.parse("android.resource://");

I would like to detect when this file has finished playing.

I tried a loop like this but I think this is only good for the media player because it always = false even though I made sure the sound file was still playing:

 * Stay here until the chime sound is finished.
   while (manager.isMusicActive()){

Can you show me what I should use instead of manager.isMusicActive()?

Solution 1:

You can use the MediaPlayer class and add a Completion listener to be activated when the sound finishes playing

MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(this,Uri.parse("android.resource://"));

mp.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {

    public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {



Solution 2:

Not working with broadcast receiver but this is what worked for my current project using Kotlin to track when the audio file has finished playing.

playButton.setOnClickListener {

            if (isPlaying) {
            }else {

            mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener {
                playButton.text = "Play"
                isPlaying = false

isPlaying is boolean, I will explain more if someone is confused. Hope it helps someone else in the future. Happy coding!