How can I change font size in Eclipse for ALL text editors?

Solution 1:

This is what we figured out, and this is also found in this answer and also this answer (I'll quote):

Go to PreferencesGeneralAppearanceColors and Fonts, expand the "Basic" folder and select "Text Font" and change that to whatever size you like.

Pretty simple!

Here's what the dialog looks like -- click Edit

Solution 2:

The answer by @Jake works fine on the editor. To also change the font size of the global Eclipse GUI, I have added the follows:


in the file:


worked for me. This is explained here: How to change eclipse font sizes

Solution 3:

Eclipse provides a handy shortcut to shortcut for what is well explained in Jake Toronto answer (only by 2 points increments/decrements though).

On MacOS:

  • Increase by 2 points: command + "+"
  • Decrease by 2 points: command + "-"

On Windows/Fedora:

  • Increase by 2 points: CTRL + "+"
  • Decrease by 2 points: CTRL + "-"

Solution 4:

Go to Preferences → General → Appearance → Colors and Fonts, expand the "Basic" folder and select "Text Font" and change that to whatever size you like.

this video help you