Same time value in two different cells, different decimal value, no match possible

I'm trying a index match function on two different cells in which is the time value 08:30:00. I never got a match and after long searching I found that there's a minuscule difference in value between the two cells. By the way they are in two different columns but seem to have the same formatting. Is there any logical explanation for this and is there a way to avoid this?

one cell decimal value     0,35416666666666700
other cell decimal value   0,35416666666666600

Solution 1:

You can use the ROUND function to have the times match to your preferred increment. So, if you want to match your times to the nearest 1/1000th of a second, Round your time values to the 8th digit. For example =ROUND(A1,8). You should be able to use the Round formula on both sides of your comparison to get a match.

In your sample =ROUND(0,35416666666666700,8)=ROUND(0,35416666666666600,8) should return True.