Error code: Out of Memory - How to allocate more memory to Google Chrome - 64 GB ram available

Solution 1:

As has been suggested by others, you should remove all extraneous plugins etc., whether you believe them to be guiltless or not.

  1. There is a 16G limit per tab in Chrome and Edge. There is nothing you can do about this -- there is no magic solution -- until the developers decide to increase the limit. If you don't believe me, you can prove it to yourself by writing a small piece of javascript to allocate memory until you run out. Note that you should allocate large fixed arrays for this, otherwise you may hit the "X" limit as described below well before you hit the 16G limit.

  2. You may not be running into an "actual" limitation of memory at all. Rather, you could be running out of "objects X" as described below, or you could be running out of string space, both of which can be reported by the browser as "out of memory" conditions even when you are actually using much less memory than 16G.

  3. Try opening your page in Firefox which has higher limits on X and can allocate up to 32G per tab (32G was proven via testing; I do not know if it can handle more). If the page opens in Firefox, you can examine the FF memory footprint, and if it is using less than 16G, then your problem in Chrome is obviously "X".

If your problem is "X", then you must reduce array/object usage (or string usage) in your app. There are some ideas on how to do this below.