How to create global functions in Objective-C

First note that Objective-C language is a superset of C language (meaning there is absolutely nothing wrong with mixing them).

There are two approaches.

#1 Real global function:

Declare a global C-style function, which can have ObjC logic (in definetion instead of just C-style logic).


void GSPrintTest();


#import "functions.h"

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

void GSPrintTest() {

Call using:

#import "functions.h"

A third (bad, but possible) option would be adding a category to NSObject for your methods:


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface NSObject(GlobalStuff)
- (void) printTest;


#import "functions.h"

@implementation NSObject(GlobalStuff)
- (void) printTest {

Call using:

#import "functions.h"
[self printTest];

#2 class method:

Create a class method with + sign, in helper class (instead of instance method with - sign).


#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface GlobalStuff : NSObject {}

+ (void)printTest;



#import "functions.h"

@implementation GlobalStuff

+ (void) printTest {


Call using:

#import "functions.h"

[GlobalStuff printTest];

When you want a global function, just write a regular C function. The Objective-C syntax is meant to be used solely in the context of object methods.

void printTest() {
    NSLog(@"This is a test");

You also have to add the declaration in the functions.h header:

void printTest();

Simple. Your setup is almost perfect.

Just #include your Functions.h in all classes that need it, and you should be all set. I do it all the time.

You will have to use some kind of object, but you can make it "feel" just like a global objective-c function by using a category of NSObject:

  • Create a new file and choose Objective C Category.
  • Make it a category of NSObject.
  • Use the templates provided to define and implement your methods.

Now you can use them simply by invoking

[self myCategoryMethod:optionalParameter];