double click to open an ipython notebook

Solution 1:

You can use a project like nbopen that handle that and will open the browser on the right notebook + start an IPython server if one is not yet running.

Solution 2:

  1. pip install nbopen.
  2. open Automator, create new Application

    • Drag'n drop Run Shell Script
    • Change Pass input to as arguments
    • Copy/paste this script:
    the_script='tell application "terminal" to do script "nbopen '
    osascript -e "${the_script}${variable}\""
  3. Save the new application to Applications directory as nb_open

  4. Right click any ipynb file and select "Open with > Other" and select the nb_open in the Applications folder. Don't forget to check "Always Open With".
  5. Select an ipynb file, get info (command + i) > Open With (select nb_open if not selected already) > Click Change All.... Done.

Solution 3:

To "promote" Yogesh's helpful comment to a fully self-contained answer:

Windows 10

In a CMD or PowerShell window with administrative rights (e.g. Win+X, A):

  1. pip install nbopen
  2. python -m nbopen.install_win
  3. Profit!

Double-click on *.ipynb files now starts a new server or reuses an existing instance.