AngularJs Remove duplicate elements in ng-repeat

I have one dictionary which is stored in field_detail

<li ng-repeat = "field in field_detail">{{field.displayName}}</li>

Now I dont want to include duplicate displayName of field_detail , what filter should I use?

Just create a filter that gets the unique values, probably by a key. Something like this ought to do (I didn't test this at all, so I'll leave that business to you, this is just to give you an idea):

app.filter('unique', function() {
   return function(collection, keyname) {
      var output = [], 
          keys = [];

      angular.forEach(collection, function(item) {
          var key = item[keyname];
          if(keys.indexOf(key) === -1) {

      return output;
<div ng-repeat="item in items | unique: 'id'"></div>

Note: Array.indexOf() does not work in IE8, so if you're supporting IE8, you'll need to stub in indexOf(), or you'll need to use a slightly different approach.

Other thoughts: It's probably better just to create a filter that leverages the unique function in lowdash or underscore if you're already referencing those libraries.

I worked up a JSFiddle based on the answer provided by Ben Leash:

Thanks, Ben. Other answers required the use of AngularJS UI or other such additional frameworks.

var app = angular.module('app', []);

app.filter('unique', function() {
   return function(collection, keyname) {
      var output = [], 
          keys = [];

      angular.forEach(collection, function(item) {
          var key = item[keyname];
          if(keys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
      return output;

app.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) {

$scope.items = [
        id : 1,
        column : "col1",
        comment : "col1-label1",
        text1 : "col1-label1-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 2,
        column : "col1",
        comment : "col1-label2",
        text1 : "col1-label2-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 3,
        column : "col2",
        comment : "col2-label1",
        text1 : "col2-label1-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 4,
        column : "col2",
        comment : "col2-label2",
        text1 : "col2-label2-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 5,
        column : "col3",
        comment : "col3-label1",
        text1 : "col3-label1-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 6,
        column : "col3",
        comment : "col3-label2",
        text1 : "col3-label2-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 7,
        column : "col4",
        comment : "col4-label1",
        text1 : "col4-label1-text1",
        checked: false,

        id : 8,
        column : "col4",
        comment : "col4-label2",
        text1 : "col4-label2-text1",
        checked: false,


<div ng-app="app">
        <div ng-controller="MyCtrl as item">
                <li ng-repeat="item in items | unique: 'column'">
                    {{ item.column }}