VirtualBox rcvboxdrv setup error "Bad argument setup"

After I upgraded the kernel, the VirtualBox, as usual, complained that the VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is not loaded, and I had to execute the following command:

sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup

Unfortunately, this time, the execution of the rcvboxdrv setup failed with the message Bad argument setup. I guess this is a regression bug introduced in recent VirtualBox package on Oracle's page.

How to fix the problem and be able to run VirtualBox?

Solution 1:

From a comment on the ticket, run the following command:

sudo /usr/lib/virtualbox/ setup

instead of the command given by VirtualBox.

Solution 2:

On the Oracle's bugtracker I found that the issue is already fixed in the "test" build:


Solution 3:

Until this is fixed, you could edit the /sbin/rcvboxdrv file (e. g. in a terminal using Nano editor via sudo nano /sbin/rcvboxdrv) and add some lines:

while test -n "${1}"; do
    case "${1}" in
        # START Workaround for
            /usr/lib/virtualbox/ setup
        # END
            echo "Bad argument ${1}" >&2
            exit 1

Use CTRL+O to save the changes. After this, you should be able to run sudo /sbin/rcvboxdrv setup again.

Solution 4:

I had the same issue on Kubuntu 14.04.3 with VirtualBox 5.0.14. None of the previous answers worked but @Takkat's comment suggesting

sudo apt-get install --reinstall virtualbox-5.0

worked to fix the issue.

Solution 5:

I had same issue on Redhat7. Found a suggestion on another forum as to run: /usr/lib/virtualbox/ setup This fixed the issue. my virtualbox is working now.