Copy or export Remmina remote desktop files to another Ubuntu install

Solution 1:

The files you need should be either in ~/.remmina (the hidden .remmina folder in your home directory) or in ~/.local/share/remmina (for newer versions).

For SSH, the known hosts are stored in ~/.ssh/known_hosts..

All your user settings, preferences, etc for your user are stored in your home directory, as that is the only folder you by default have permissions to access.

Solution 2:

Installed remmina on Ubuntu 16.04 and had to reinstall Ubuntu after a while because it wasn't running the best. On my first install the location of all the remmina connection files was /home/gm/.local/share/remmina/ folder.

After I reinstalled my new setup of Ubuntu put all the connection files in the same location /home/gm/.local/share/remmina/ and started up remmina I had no connection. After reading this post I created a new connection and seen a new folder created under /home/gm/.remmina/ with that connection, so I copied all my connections into that folder /home/gm/.remmina/.

sudo cp -r /home/gm/.local/share/remmina/* /home/gm/.remmina/

I am just backing up @Wilf

Hope this helps others!


Solution 3:

For users of the flatpak build of Remmina, you can find the connection settings at:


Solution 4:

For Remmina 1.4.8 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS the location of Remmina configuration was (for me):


Today, I converted from a PPA install (which is no longer supported after 1.4.8) to a snap install. I copied all files from the old to new location. Other than passwords, it worked well after:

sudo apt remove remmina # uninstalls program, leaves config information files
sudo snap install remmina --edge # install the snap remmina
sudo snap connect remmina:avahi-observe :avahi-observe # servers discovery
sudo snap connect remmina:cups-control :cups-control # printing
sudo snap connect remmina:mount-observe :mount-observe # mount management
sudo snap connect remmina:password-manager-service :password-manager-service # password manager

cp ~/.remmina/* ~/snap/remmina/4460/.local/share/remmina # copy profiles to new location for snap install

Solution 5:

Backup with: $ cd ~ $ tar -czf remmina_backup.tgz .local/share/remmina/ .config/remmina/ .local/share/keyrings .ssh/

Restore with: $ cd ~ $ tar -xf remmina_backup.tgz

Snap users Backup with: $ cd ~ $ tar -czf remmina_backup.tgz snap/remmina/<version>/.local/share/remmina/ snap/remmina/<version>/.config/remmina/ .local/share/keyrings .ssh/