Internet is working, but Firefox 67 browser cannot connect after update

I have been using Firefox on Ubuntu 18.04 for several weeks. I currently have firefox 67.0 (freshly updated). Since the update, firefox cannot connect to the internet anymore. The internet is working fine. I am writing this post from the Opera browser the I installed on Ubuntu 18.04 after the problems with Firefox.

I tried to follow the suggestions of this post. Explicitly I tried the following:

  1. Change proxy setting, in about:preferences Network Settings. I tried the options "no proxy", "Auto-detect proxy" and "Use system proxy" (the latter was the default).
  2. In about:config I set the "network.dns.disableIPv6" to TRUE
  3. In about:config I set the "network.dns.disablePrefetch" to TRUE

The issue seems firefox-specific. Opera does not give any problem. Pinging to works fine (so no DNS problems).

I am fine using Opera, but I would also like to understand hwo to fix the issue in Firefox!

The easy fix, with no profile or preferences rebuilding required...

This just renames the current Firefox cache folder. Firefox recreates this folder at next launch. The .HOLD only saves the old folder as a backup, just in case there's something there that the user still wants to manually save... but it can probably just be sent to the trash.

  • start Firefox v67.0
  • go to about:profiles
  • note the name of the current profile
  • quit Firefox
  • start Files
  • control+h to enable viewing of hidden files
  • go to ~/.cache/mozilla/firefox
  • rename the current profile folder to xxxx.default.HOLD
  • restart Firefox

I was having the same issue. Removing prefs.js did not fix the problem for me.

Restarting firefox via Menu -> Help -> "Restart with Add-ons Disabled" and choosing to restart in "safe mode" gave me a working browser.

I opened a regular instance of firefox again and it was still not working (obviously). I repeated the "Restart with Add-ons Disabled" but selected "Refresh Firefox" at the final step and it seems to have fixed the problem.

I went back through the preferences section and have changed back all of my settings there and I haven't broken the browser yet.

Again, this doesn't get to the root of the problem, but perhaps it narrows it down some? Maybe someone else knows more about what all gets reset when you choose "Refresh Firefox"?

Had the same issue after updating Firefox to 67 on Ubuntu 18.04.

My issue could be solved by removing pref.js in my firefox-profile folder. This would be easier than manualy reconstructing everything after creating a new profile.

Steps to reproduce

  • Terminate Firefox
  • Go to your profile cd ~/.mozilla/firefox
  • Do a backup of your Mozilla profile first: cp -r ./firefox ./backup_firefox_backup
  • Navigate to your profile folder (the subdir with the random-string)
  • Remove prefs.js rm prefs.js
  • Restart Firefox

Haven't had time to resolve, which setting in prefs.js is at fault. If I find it, I may post an update.

Happened to me on apt-get upgrade to 67.0 on Ubuntu. No matter what I typed into the URL bar the page would just display the loading icon but not actually attempt any load. Even after killing the process and restarting Firefox manually.

My fix:

  • visit about:profiles
  • on the top-right corner of the page there is a button that says "Restart normally...", click this, the browser will restart itself, and magically it loads pages again