How do I install libaio?

I'm trying to install libaio with following command line :

sudo apt-get install libaio


sudo apt-get install automake libtool autoconf gcc-g++ gcc libaio libaio-dev make

but both of them doesn't work for me. How do I install libaio?

You need to use libaio1 package, which provides the Linux kernel AIO access library - shared library

To install libaio Use the command

sudo apt-get install libaio1

For more information of libaio look here

I have found it super useful to use apt instead of apt-get to search for packages that are available.

$ sudo apt search libaio

Sorting... Done
Full Text Search... Done
libaio-dev/trusty 0.3.109-4 amd64
  Linux kernel AIO access library - development files

libaio1/trusty 0.3.109-4 amd64
  Linux kernel AIO access library - shared library

libaio1-dbg/trusty 0.3.109-4 amd64
  Linux kernel AIO access library - debugging symbols

Then, once you have found the name of the correct package, you can install it. So in this case you can just run the command

sudo apt install -y libaio1

where again I have used apt instead of apt-get.