Upserting in Mongo DB using official C# driver
In the official documentation of mongodb they mention upserts, so it would be really nice to write an upsert command instead of:
if (_campaignRepo.Exists(camp))
something which would implement that logic on the db level if it is possible. So what is the way to do an upsert if there is one?
Solution 1:
Version 2 of the MongoDB C# driver requires setting the IsUpsert
flag in the write commands. This example will upsert an entire document.
var newDoc = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 123 }, { "someKey", "someValue" } };
var result = await collection.ReplaceOneAsync(
filter: new BsonDocument("_id", 123),
options: new ReplaceOptions { IsUpsert = true },
replacement: newDoc);
Version 1 of the MongoDB C# driver implements this logic within the Save
var newDoc = new BsonDocument { { "_id", 123 }, { "someKey", "someValue" } };
The Save method is a combination of Insert and Update. If the Id member of the document has a value, then it is assumed to be an existing document and Save calls Update on the document (setting the Upsert flag just in case it actually is a new document after all). Otherwise it is assumed to be a new document and Save calls Insert after first assigning a newly generated unique value to the Id member.
Note: This does require the proper mapping of the Id field however. More info on that here:
Solution 2:
Starting from v2.0 of the driver there's a new async-only API. The old API should no longer be used as it's a blocking facade over the new API and is deprecated.
The currently recommended way to upsert a document is by calling and awaiting ReplaceOneAsync
with the IsUpsert
flag turned on and a filter that matches the relevant document:
Hamster hamster = ...
var replaceOneResult = await collection.ReplaceOneAsync(
doc => doc.Id == hamster.Id,
new UpdateOptions {IsUpsert = true});
You can check whether the operation was an insert or an update by looking at ReplaceOneResult.MatchedCount
Solution 3:
The following code is from a working app:
Query.EQ("weekNumber", week),
The weekplanStore is my MongoDB collection, and the code will update the document found with the query in the first argument or insert a new one if none is found. The "trick" is to use the UpdateFlags.Upsert modifier.
The rawWeekPlan is the object inserted or updated, and has the following type:
private class RawWeekPlan
public ObjectId id;
public int weekNumber;
public WeekPlanEntry[] entries;
and turned into bson by the driver automatically.
Solution 4:
You can use the regular update command, but just pass it the Upsert update flag
MongoCollection collection = db.GetCollection("matches");
var query = new QueryDocument("recordId", recordId);
var update = Update.Set("FirstName", "John").Set("LastName","Doe");
matchCollection.Update(query, update, UpdateFlags.Upsert, SafeMode.False);
That code is adapted from a working application (shortened for clarity)