Find last iteration of foreach loop in laravel blade

In blade template i use last() method to find last iteration of foreach loop:

@foreach ($colors as $k => $v)
   <option value={!! $v->id !!} {{ $colors->last()->id==$v->id ? 'selected':'' }} > {!! $v->name !!} </option>

Is it ok? Perhaps there is a Laravel-style way to do the same?

Solution 1:

As for Laravel 5.3+, you can use the $loop variable


@foreach ($colors as $k => $v)
         // at last loop, code here

Solution 2:

What you do is absolutely fine if you want to obtain instance of the last item in the collection.

Additionally, in Laravel 5.3 you can use $loop variable, which allows you to get boolean for last iteration $loop->last or to obtain current iteration index $loop->iteration, total number of records $loop->count and a few more The Loop Variable

@foreach ($posts as $post)

    {{ $post->title }} ({{ $loop->iteration }} of {{ $loop->count }})   


Solution 3:

@foreach ($colors as $v)
    <option value={!! $v->id !!} {!!($v == end($colors)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' !!} > {!! $v->name !!} </option>


@foreach ($colors as $v)
    <option value={!! $v->id !!} {{($v == end($colors)) ? 'selected="selected"' : '' }} > {!! $v->name !!} </option>