jQuery hyperlinks - href value?

On my website I use jQuery to hook the events of elements, namely hyperlinks. As these hyperlinks only perform actions on the current page, and do not lead anywhere, I have been putting a href attribute of "#" in:

<a href="#">My Link</a>

However in some browsers this causes the page to scroll right to top which is obviously undesirable behaviour. I've tried using a blank href value, or not including one, but then the mouse does not change to the hand cursor upon hovering.

What should I put in there?

Solution 1:

$('a').click(function (event) 
     //here you can also do all sort of things 

Then you can put in every href whatever you want and jQuery will trigger the preventDefault() method and you will not be redirected to that place.

Solution 2:

Those "anchors" that exist solely to provide a click event, but do not actually link to other content, should really be button elements because that's what they really are.

It can be styled like so:

<button style="border:none; background:transparent; cursor: pointer;">Click me</button>

And of course click events can be attached to buttons without worry of the browser jumping to the top, and without adding extraneous javascript such as onclick="return false;" or event.preventDefault() .

Solution 3:

You should really put a real link in there. I don't want to sound like a pedant, but that's a fairly bad habit to get into. JQuery and Ajax should always be the last thing you implement. If you have a link that goes no-where, you're not doing it right.

I'm not busting your balls, I mean that with all the best intention.