Where are Google chrome passwords stored in windows?

I know that Google Chrome stores the login data at LocalAppData\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data but this doesn't shows the password, password value shows as the single special character. I want to read the password value from the database. I want to make an utility which can store the users sign on data in a backup file for user.

Solution 1:

Chrome passwords are stored in sqllite database but passwords are encrypted using CryptProtectData, which is a Windows API function for encrypting data. Data encrypted with this function is pretty solid. It can only be decrypted on the same machine and by the same user that encrypted it in the first place.

If you want to decrypt password you must do it using same machine which encryption done.

There is a app called ChromePasswordDump, which can decrypt passwords using that application, that can be easily Googled.