Is it possbile to prevent a directory from being listed in Windows?

I'm using Windows Home Server 2011 and connecting to it with various Windows 7 version clients.

Suppose I have a shared directory (or server folder) mydir on my WHS box which contains a subdirectory private. When a given client lists the contents of mydir, is it possible to instruct WHS to display private only if the given user is authorized? It's easy enough to prevent access to private but I don't even want it listed.

Note that marking the directory as hidden is not at all what I want to do since that would also force an authorized user to change the viewing state of hidden directoies and files and could be easily undermined by anyone that can list the contents of mydir.

Solution 1:

Using Access Based Enumeration correctly will do exactly what you want (in fact, that's what it's made for), but I'm not having much luck finding good information on usage in WHS 2011 in particular. This blog post indicates all the ways that ABE can be enabled (or not), and this StackOverflow question indicates that ABE is available in WHS 2011.