Windows utility to save/restore window size & position history? [closed]

Is there a Windows utility that keeps a record of the size and position of all active windows for later retrieval? For example, if I have my text editor and web browser open side-by-side, and then open Outlook full screen, I'd like a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch back to the editor/browser configuration. I'm thinking of something like Emacs's Winner Mode.

Does such a thing exist?

Try WiLMA (Windows Layout Manager).
It was originally created by Stefan Didak to set up and recall different window layout scenarios (development, VM management, VNC, etc). He uses and maintains it to manage dozens of windows on 8+ monitors in his massive home office setup.

Use the free and simple AutoSizer

AutoSizer automatically resizes programs for you, keeping them at a specific size or keeping them maximized. One popular use is to keep Internet Explorer maximized when you go on the web. It works with most software programs, and supports maximizing to specific monitors on multi-monitor computers. Use the handy Always On Top system tray menu to quickly position specific programs above all others. Thanks to Michael A., Brian E., Juliet, Barbara M., John W., Malcolm H. and everyone else who gave ideas and helped improve the program.

A commercial shareware that I believe does what you ask is ZMover ($19.95).

ZMover helps you manage your desktop layout by enabling you to set the size, position and layering of application windows. Instead of wasting time rearranging windows across your single or multiple monitor display, you can configure ZMover to do the job for you. Simply tell ZMover which windows you want to modify and how, then hide the program and let it work in the background. ZMover will monitor the desktop and automatically reposition, resize, or even keep selected windows below or above the others when they open. ZMover can accommodate a large number of window layouts that you can name and sort to your convenience. Moreover, the program displays information that enables you to track its progress in real-time and review its past activity.

ZMover supports multiple display setups and helps you manage application windows across several monitors with ease. The number of applications lacking multiple monitor support and the increased desktop space offered by such display configurations make it more difficult to maintain an optimal desktop layout. ZMover eliminates these difficulties with its ability to store many window layouts and to move windows beyond the primary monitor.

ZMover stores user preferences in a small portable file. So it’s easy to define a desktop layout on one computer and propagate it to other computers in a lab or a data processing center.

ZMover is mainly designed to deal with main windows. Tool windows are trickier because they are often similar on the surface with their program only being able to differentiate them