How to find out uptime on Windows?

What is the simplest way to find out how long a computer is turned on Windows?

Solution 1:

  • Run command line
  • Type Systeminfo
  • Find "System Boot Time"

    Days: 10 Hours: 10 Minutes: 10 Seconds: 10

For shorter result you can use:

systeminfo | find "Boot Time" 

Solution 2:

there is great command line tool from Microsoft uptime.exe:

good thing with this tool is it works really fast.

Uptime [server] [/s ] [/a] [/d:mm/dd/yyyy | /p:n] [/heartbeat] [/? | /help]
server Name or IP address of remote server to process.
/s Display key system events and statistics.
/a Display application failure events (assumes /s).
/d: Only calculate for events after mm/dd/yyyy.
/p: Only calculate for events in the previous n days.
/heartbeat Turn on/off the system's heartbeat
/? Basic usage.
/help Additional usage information.