Remove keyboard layout from OS X leaving custom layouts only

I have multiple nonstandard input sources that fully replace the original keyboard layout OS X ships with. However, the remove button is grayed out for the only original layout I would like to remove. It's obviously meant for preventing users from losing keyboard input if their custom layouts are not working.

Can I remove the layout manually from some config plist, leaving only the last three?

(In fact, it would suffice to remove the language from input select rotation.)

enter image description here

Solution 1:

  1. Change the current input source to a custom keyboard layout.
  2. Open ~/Library/Preferences/ (in 10.9) or ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/*.plist (in 10.8 and earlier). You can convert the plist to XML with plutil -convert xml1.
  3. Remove the input source or input sources you want to disable from the AppleEnabledInputSources dictionary. If there is an AppleDefaultAsciiInputSource key, remove it.
  4. Restart.

See for more information.