How to extend a file definition from an existing module in the node?
I use an older version of the example42 mysql module, which defines the mysql.conf file but not its content. Mmy goal is to just include the mysql module and add a content definition in the node.
class mysql {
file { "mysql.conf":
path => "${mysql::params::configfile}",
mode => "${mysql::params::configfile_mode}",
owner => "${mysql::params::configfile_owner}",
group => "${mysql::params::configfile_group}",
ensure => present,
require => Package["mysql"],
notify => Service["mysql"],
node xyz
include mysql
File["mysql.conf"] { content => template("mymodule/mysql.conf.erb")}
The above code produces a "Only subclasses can override parameters"
What is the correct way to just add a content definition to an existing file definition?
Use a Resource collector, described here. Resource collectors can override resource parameters even if not in a subclass. They are also more versatile, resources can be collected using tags or other parameters, not just the title.
node xyz
include mysql
File <| title == "mysql.conf" |> {
content => template("mymodule/mysql.conf.erb"),
Edit: using a subclass
Another option is to declare a subclass and include it in the node definition:
class mysql_custom inherits mysql {
File["mysql.conf"] { content => template("mymodule/mysql.conf.erb")}
node xyz {
include mysql_custom