Windows 7 : access denied to ONE server from ONE computer

Solution 1:

I just had a similar problem.
It was related to an entry into Credential Manager into the Control Panel.
The Credential Manager allow to define which user access to which server. So it may help you.

Solution 2:

Sounds like tokens aren't being issued at logon. Are you sure that there isn't a connectivity or AD issue with that machine? I suspect you're logging in with cached credentials and aren't actually authenticating against a DC from that one machine.

klist.exe will show you if you have any Kerberos tickets. You should disconnect any manually mapped drives, reboot the machine, log in, and run klist and see if there is anything there. At a minimum, there should be ldap ticket from the DC that authenticated you. If that's missing, it was probably a cached logon. You can try unjoining and rejoining the computer to the domain and seeing if that helps. Also, verify that the clock skew is no greater than 5 minutes from the rest of the domain.