Disable prompts in Microsoft Excel when saving a CSV file [duplicate]

I have to download multiple csv reports from the Internet throughout the day, make a tiny change to them, and save the change. Excel adds 3 completely unnecessary dialogs to what should really be a 5-second operation.

  1. It makes you select a file name in a "Save As..." dialog, even though you just want to save the existing file
  2. It makes you confirm the file name, because it thinks you're overwriting the original file
  3. It asks you if you really want to save in the CSV format

Is there a way to kill at least one or two of these dialogs, but ideally all of them? This is completely infuriating.

Solution 1:

I have consulted multiple sources, and there is no fix for Microsoft Office.

However, I installed LibreOffice, and it handles CSV files the exactly correct way. I made LibreOffice the default program for opening CSV files, and the problem is now solved.