How to strip leading tabs and/or leading spaces when copying data to clipboard?

Solution 1:

Consider the following AutoHotKey (AHK) script. See the AutoHotkey Tutorial and documentation for more explanations on AutoHotkey scripts.

After installing AutoHotKey, press Ctrl+Shift+c or x within Notepad++ to copy (or cut) to the clipboard with the lines trimmed.

Note: I used Ctrl+Shift so that you could still use the original copy and cut normally with only Ctrl. If you don't like this behavior, just remove + in both +^c:: and +^v::.

See the comments (starting with ;) for an explanation. As with any coding, better leave in the comments to better understand the script when you come back to it later.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

    ; Split each line of the clipboard into an array. 
    ; Note: Ignoring Cr (`r) prevents duplicate rows
    linesArray := StrSplit(clipboard, "`n", "`r")

    newClip := "" ; Initialize output string

    for index, element in linesArray
        ; For each line: trim it, append it and CrLf to output string
        newClip .= trim(element) . "`r`n" 
    ; Note: There is always an extra newline at this point, regardless 
    ; of if the clipboard ended in a newline.

    ; Assign value back to clipboard, without the trailing CrLf
    clipboard := SubStr(newClip, 1, -2)

#IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad++
; On Shift+Ctrl+C, perform copy, wait for new content, and trim clipboard
    ; Note: ^{sc02e} is the scancode for c which works regardless of keyboard layout
    Send, ^{sc02e}

;On Shift+Ctrl+X, perform copy, wait for new content, and trim clipboard
    ; Note: ^{sc02d} is the scancode for x which works regardless of keyboard layout
    Send, ^{sc02d}

; sc02e && sc02d are keyboard scan codes for the keys c and x respectively.
; The scancodes work regardless of the keyboard layout set in Windows


Solution 2:

Just use Alt + Mouse dragging or Alt + Shift + Arrow keys to select the column, then Ctrl+C to copy the column.

See this example :


We can also select the whole column, or even more then one column, also we can select one or many rows.

Here is a simple way to do it:

  • Left mouse click at the beginning of the wanted selection.

  • Go to the location where the wanted selection must stop

  • Move the cursor to that second and final location, with :

    • A hit on the ALT + SHIFT keys and a left click, simultaneously, to select the desired columns and rows.

Hope this help