Combinations of different coin nominations summed to a target value using itertools

You need to use combinations instead of combinations_with_replacement, so your count checks can be omitted.

Also, why do you check only combinations of length 8? You should check any from 0 to len(all_coins), that's why there should be nested for loop (see more examples of all possible combinations here)

Final code might be:

import itertools

ones = [1, 1, 1]  # 3 coins of 1
twos = [2, 2]     # 2 coins of 2
fives = [5, 5, 5] # 3 coins of 5
target = 3

all_coins = ones + twos + fives

res = set()
for coins_to_take in range(len(all_coins)+1):
    for c in itertools.combinations(all_coins, coins_to_take):
        if sum(c) == target:

for r in res: