New posts in itertools

Find duplicates between 2 columns (independent order) , count and drop Python


How to summarize on different groupby combinations?

Using itertools.product and want to seed a value

How to turn an itertools "grouper" object into a list

Combinations of different coin nominations summed to a target value using itertools

Python: How to get the length of itertools _grouper

product of different length list using itertools in Python

What is the purpose of Python's itertools.repeat?

How to apply itertools.product to elements of a list of lists?

How not to miss the next element after itertools.takewhile()

Zipped Python generators with 2nd one being shorter: how to retrieve element that is silently consumed

zip iterators asserting for equal length in python

Creating a new regular list from the elements of two lists python [closed]

itertools.groupby() not grouping correctly

What is the difference between chain and chain.from_iterable in itertools?

When is it better to use zip instead of izip?

importing izip from itertools module gives NameError in Python 3.x

Python how to read N number of lines at a time

Powersets in Python using itertools