What happens if a Tech Lab or a Reactor get destroyed while producing units?

Solution 1:

Depending on the units and the addon the following will happen:

Barracks with Tech Lab producing Marauder and following queue: [Marine, Marauder, Marine, Marauder]

  • Current Marauder is still produced without delay
  • Queue: [Marine, Marine]

Barracks with Reactor producing 2 Marines and 8 Marines in queue.

  • Only 1 Marine is build without delay
  • Production of other Marine is stopped and resumed as soon as first Marine finishes (see example)
  • Queue: 4 Marines


2 Marines are produced in Barracks with Reactor. Reactor gets destroyed after 20 seconds (Marines require 25 seconds). After 5 seconds the first Marine finishes (25 seconds). 5 seconds later (30 seconds) the seconds Marine is done. Thus you need 30 seconds instead of 25 to produce 2 Marines.