How do I get rid of a stuck train?

I have an old electric train that's been stuck for quite a while. During upgrading I upgraded the electric rail station to maglev while a train was in the depot. However, the train was never "stopped" in the depot. I switched the station back to electric -- but the train is still stuck in a netherland between the depot and the station. It won't go to the station, and it won't go back into the depot either. Here's a screen shot to give you an idea of how it looks.

I have no idea how to delete it. It loses me a decent sum each year. What can I do?

Solution 1:

Build another depot somewhere and connect it with that track, build the cheapest train you can find, manage to crash it with the other train. In a while both trains will disappear.

Cons are that you'll instantly lose reputation in your station, but as time passes, you'll get it back to normal.