Woocommerce - Button for displaying sold-out products [closed]

Good morning,

We have hidden "out of stock" products in our e-commerce via the Woocommerce settings. We would like to create a button that allows users to display "available" and "out of stock" products together.

Do you know of any plugin that would allow this?

Thank you.

Probably you need to manage this property like as the product is in a different location, so, not in the stock, but in another place, that is virtual, not necessarily phisical.

I think you can try to sync your products in Woocommerce with the plugin Megainventory

So probably managing different kind of locations of the Products.

You’ll be able to show in real-time your products’ availability in your WooCommerce frontend based on actual stock levels. You can connect more than one warehouses, stores or other types of locations at your disposal and the stock representation in the WooCommerce frontend will be correct.

Try to configure the Plugin Megainventory https://woocommerce.com/document/how-to-integrate-woocommerce-with-megaventory/