Words that have same spelling, different meaning, and different amounts of syllables?

Is there a term for words that have the same spelling, different meanings, and different amounts of syllables for their pronunciations?

The only example I can think of is resume and résumé. The only problem with this example is it technically isn’t the same spelling though since there are accents in résumé. But resume and résumé do have different meanings, and different amounts of syllables in their pronunciations. Are there any other words that someone can think of that have same spelling, different meanings AND amounts of syllables. And is there a term for these words?

Update: another “heteronym with varying syllables” I just thought of: blessed (used as a verb) would be pronounced “blest”, as in, "Uncle Joey blessed our Thanksgiving dinner", while blessed used adjectivally may be pronounced “blesid”, as in, "He loved his blessed freedom."

Solution 1:

The closest definition I could find is that of the heteronym:

A heteronym (also known as a heterophone) is a word that has a different pronunciation and meaning from another word but the same spelling. These are homographs that are not homophones.

Heteronyms don't necessarily have a different amount of syllables, but these are included. Other examples of heteronyms are present, produce, lead, and desert.

Drawer ('compartment in a cupboard'; 'someone who draws') would be a heteronym with a different amount of syllables.

Edit: these are apparently also referred to as 'accent heteronyms'.