Pulling data from S3 using an address and access key from Python

I've been given a path to an S3 bucket and a key to access it, how can I access the bucket? and how can I do it from Python?

The name looks like this solutions/accounts/services and the key is some string.

I tried doing this:

import boto3

response = client.get_object(


This yields:

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the GetObject operation: Access Denied

I was provided a key to this S3 bucket in the form of : OKIA4RBSCI236N869IJG

Where does this key need to be inserted?

The Key should include all the folders. Example: accounts/services/file.txt.

The Bucket name should only be the bucket name. Example: solutions.

This will get you s3://solutions/accounts/services/file.txt.