Finding Max of Max mysql
Solution 1:
You might be able to get away with just using a LIMIT
query. A slight modification of your first query:
SELECT continent, location, MAX(people_fully_vaccinated)
FROM covid_vaccinations
WHERE continent LIKE '%ASIA%'
GROUP BY continent, location
But this only works in the case that there are no ties for a given continent and location for the max number of fully vaccinated. If you do have to worry about ties, and you are using MySQL 8+, then we can use RANK
as follows:
WITH cte AS (
SELECT continent, location, MAX(people_fully_vaccinated) AS max_fv,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY MAX(people_fully_vaccinated) DESC) rnk
FROM covid_vaccinations
WHERE continent LIKE '%ASIA%'
GROUP BY continent, location
SELECT continent, location, max_fv
FROM cte
WHERE rnk = 1;