PHP Rename File name if Exists Append Number to End

Solution 1:

Here's a minor modification that I think should do what you want:

$actual_name = pathinfo($name,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$original_name = $actual_name;
$extension = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

$i = 1;
    $actual_name = (string)$original_name.$i;
    $name = $actual_name.".".$extension;

Solution 2:

Inspired from @Jason answer, i created a function which i deemed shorter and more readable filename format.

function newName($path, $filename) {
    $res = "$path/$filename";
    if (!file_exists($res)) return $res;
    $fnameNoExt = pathinfo($filename,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
    $ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

    $i = 1;
    while(file_exists("$path/$fnameNoExt ($i).$ext")) $i++;
    return "$path/$fnameNoExt ($i).$ext";


$name = "";
$path = 'C:/Users/hp/Desktop/ikreports';
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) {
  $newName = newName($path, $name);
  file_put_contents($newName, 'asdf');

New version (2022):

function newName2($fullpath) {
  $path = dirname($fullpath);
  if (!file_exists($fullpath)) return $fullpath;
  $fnameNoExt = pathinfo($fullpath,PATHINFO_FILENAME);
  $ext = pathinfo($fullpath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

  $i = 1;
  while(file_exists("$path/$fnameNoExt ($i).$ext")) $i++;
  return "$path/$fnameNoExt ($i).$ext";


for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) {
  $newName = newName2($fullpath);
  file_put_contents($newName, 'asdf');

Solution 3:

There are several ways for renaming image in PHP before uploading to the server. appending timestamp, unique id, image dimensions plus random number etc.You can see them all here

First, Check if the image filename exists in the hosted image folder otherwise upload it. The while loop checks if the image file name exists and appends a unique id as shown below ...

function rename_appending_unique_id($source, $tempfile){

    $target_path ='uploads-unique-id/'.$source;
        $fileName = uniqid().'-'.$source;
        $target_path = ('uploads-unique-id/'.$fileName);

    move_uploaded_file($tempfile, $target_path);



    $sourcefile= $_FILES['upload']['name'];
    tempfile= $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'];

    rename_appending_unique_id($sourcefile, $tempfile);


Check more image renaming tactics