How do I validate an unavailable period

Solution 1:

Instead of an UnavailablePeriod I would simply have a Rental model that has a rented_from and a rented_until columns (both datetime).

On creation of a new Rental you then only have to check that there is no existing, date overlapping rental. to check that you could use a custom validation like this:

class Rental < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :auto

  validate :rental_period_is_available


  def rental_period_is_available
    return unless Rental
        .where.not(id: id)
        .where("rented_from < ? && ? < rented_until", rented_until, rented_from) 

    errors.add(:base, "Car is already booked in this time period")

I suggest reading about custom validations and validations in general in the offical Rails Guides.