How to copy-past block into content of dynamic block

For a list

    x = [ {  yyy = { a=1 } }, {  yyy = { b=2 }  }   ]

I want to "copy-past" block yyy into content{} section of a dynamic block

   dynamic "test" {
      for_each = local.x
      content {
         zzz {x.yyy}

So the result should be

  zzz {a=1}

  zzz {b=2}

Is it possible without manually coping each field:

  content {
     zzz {

You'll need another dynamic for the inner block.

But you must specify the attributes (the names) in the block. So assuming the possible attributes in the zzz block are a and b, something like this should work:

dynamic "test" {
  for_each = local.x

  content {
    dynamic "zzz" {
      for_each = [test.value.yyy]

      content {
        a = lookup(zzz.value, "a", null)
        b = lookup(zzz.value, "b", null)

Note that the yyy map is not needed, so if you control the structure of the input data, it could be just x = [ { a=1 }, { b=2 } ], and the inner iterator for_each = [test.value].