how to get stats from database tables pyspark?

spark.sql("""SHOW DATABASES""").show()
spark.sql("""SHOW TABLES IN Nbadb""").show()
|  default|
|    nbadb|

|namespace|   tableName|isTemporary|
|    nbadb|       games|      false|
|    nbadb|games_detail|      false|
|    nbadb|     players|      false|
|    nbadb|     ranking|      false|
|    nbadb|       teams|      false|

def show_catalog_stats():

spark.sql("""SHOW DATABASES""").show()
spark.sql("""SHOW TABLES IN Nbadb""").show()

here is my code I try to create function which return tableNames and data Count(using spark.sql commands). how to do that?

You can use the dataframe summary methods on pyspark for your use case. Follow the Pyspark 3.x Dataframe summary methods or Pyspark 2.x summary methods documentat.

df = spark.table("database_name.table_name")



Getting count summaries for all tables in a Database

def get_table_counts(dbname):
    table_names = spark.catalog.listTables(dbname)
    table_values_extracted = [f"{table.database}.{}" for table in table_names]

    for table_name in table_values_extracted:
    return 0